Tree Task Force

Town Hall
Event Date: 
Thursday, January 5, 2023 - 5:00pm

Informational Exchange:
-Jake Daniele, TC liaison to FSAB checked on the status of the draft Tree Ordinance-
"The Tree Ordinance has been sent out for review but our legal council is in California with a personal
matter. So, the firm is trying to shuffle the town's work but asked for an extension for items that could
-Caroline Pelletier- cannot attend this meeting, but maybe February.
-Climate Action Plan- At the 12/12 FSAB meeting, discussed FSAB role in reviewing
existing zoning regulations and language in the village overlay documents.
◦ Zoning review will be part of climate action plan
◦ Village Overlay may also be reviewed.
◦ Recommendation that Tree Task Force provide guidance for FSAB during the CAP process,
focus on preserving /expanding existing tree canopy ; FSAB can flag any references to
trees in its review and bring it to TTF as needed
◦ Section 514 on parking - Tree Task Force recommends a requirement for 1 canopy for each
8 parking space, for new parking spaces and spaces being reconfigured.
Business: Divide and conquer the tasks to move forward on (which/any of )these
2023 priorities over the next month-
2- Obtain Tree City Designation.
3- Develop a system to maintain Tree Inventory. (Marc's 10/20/22 email from Kym)
4- Select locations for demonstration projects that are high-visibility, unlikely to be in the crosshairs of
future Downtown Vision development; as well as specific species/varieties. Research tax maps to
determine public/private downtown lot ownership. (See prioritized list below)
5- Develop Public Relations Plan ex., web page of informational resources for developers/ commercial
property owners to facilitate/incentivize alignment with Public Tree Program.
6- Collaboration with Freeport / RSU5 schools
7- System of collaboration with Downtown Vision, Complete Streets Committees and Project Review
Suggested Next Steps:
-FSAB Recommendation to talk with Jeff Tarling, Portland’s arborist.Portland has a very
strong tree ordinance.
-Check on status of Tree Plan with TC chairs
Next Meeting: Does 2/2/23 work for everyone?