Discounted Composting Bins Now Available!

compost bins for sale at Freeport Recycling Center

Composting is EASY and AFFORDABLE!

Earth Machine Compost Bins Available to Freeport Residents for $25.00

The Earth Machine Compost Bin

Composting is a great way to recycle our organic “waste” into a beneficial soil amendment for our yards and gardens. Using compost in our landscapes helps store carbon in the soil instead of releasing it to the atmosphere. Plus, you can reduce the amount of trash your household makes by composting leaves, grass clippings, garden debris, fruit peels, veggie scraps, tea bags, coffee grounds, egg shells, shredded paper, and more. Transporting this heavy, wet organic material in our trash to EcoMaine's facility is expensive - so keeping organic matter out of our waste stream and transforming it into healthy compost also helps save the Town money in disposal costs.

It’s easy to make compost, and Freeport makes it even easier by offering rodent-resistant home composting bins at 50% less than retail prices.  The Earth Machine Compost bin has a capacity of 11 cubic feet, the equivalent of about 4 bags of leaves.  It has a sliding door at the bottom for removing compost and a locking lid.  It is made from 50% post-consumer recycled plastic. 

Composting Basics

The Earth Machine compost bins help hold in heat and moisture, keep animals out, and can look more attractive than open compost heaps.  Organic material will start to turn to compost in the bins in 3 to 6 months.  Compost, known as “black gold” to gardeners, replenishes nutrients in the soil, helps retain moisture, makes the soil easy to work, and helps plants resist disease. Compost makes plants healthy so they can overcome adverse conditions without pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

Learn More About Composting

Check this UMaine page for resources to learn more about home composting or watch this 17-minute How To Compost video.

How to Get Your Discounted Bin

Stop by Freeport's Recycling Center during their open hours to pay for, and pick up, your bin. Supplies are limited, so get yours soon! The knowledgeable and friendly Recycling Center staff is available to answer any composting questions you might have. Just call 865-3740.

Other Composting Options in Freeport

Another way to handle food scraps is to drop off food waste at the recycling center! For more info, read our Food Scrap Drop-off document. The Recycling Center sells the Earth Machine backyard composters, compost turners, thermometers as well as rain barrels.