Freeport's 2018 Citizen of the Year - Betheda Edmonds

Betheda Edmonds – 2018 Freeport Citizen of the Year

The Award for Freeport Citizen of the Year is given annually to a Freeport individual or community group that has substantively contributed to the quality of the Town, the well-being of the citizens, and the reputation of Freeport, that has caused a measurable improvement in the circumstances of a significant number of townspeople.

Betheda (Beth) Edmonds has lived in Freeport with her husband Dan since 1980.  From that time forward, Beth has continually shown her commitment to the well-being and improvement of the town and its citizens.  Her activism has ranged from volunteering at the BH Bartol Library beginning in 1982 to serving as the Maine Senate President for two terms in the 2000s.  While she worked at the State level, she always kept closely rooted to her hometown.  That local connection helped her apply what she knew was right for her neighbors as well as for people throughout the State.   As she has said and repeatedly demonstrated, she has “always liked the goal of meeting the needs of a lot of people.”

Although Beth is modest about her public service and about her role as Senate President, she recognized the magnitude of the positions she has held.  She stated that the role of Senate president is “…a balancing act…you have to listen to everyone equally, while remaining true to your core values.”  She has carried that philosophy close to her heart in all her endeavors.  Beth’s integrity and unwavering commitment to the people of Freeport and Maine has made her a leader and an exemplary role model.  She has acted as a mentor for many women, successfully encouraging them to become influential members of the community. 

To read the Forecaster article on the presentation of the award at the March 5, 2019 Town Council meeting, click  here.